5 - Cultures Constructives Locales
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5.5.2 - Vernaculaire et aléas naturels
Pour en savoir plus sur l’architecture vernaculaire en lien avec les aléas naturels, vous pouvez lire les ouvrages suivants :
Bibliographie complémentaire
CAIMI, Annalisa, VIEUX-CHAMPAGNE, Florent, GARNIER, Philippe, et al., 2013. « Traditional and scientific knowledge for a sustainable vulnerability reduction of rural housing in Haiti ». In : Structures and Architecture: Concepts, Applications and Challenges. Guimarães : Taylor & Francis.
FERRIGNI, Ferruccio, HELLY, Bruno, MAURO, Armando, et al., CENTRE UNIVERSITAIRE EUROPÉEN POUR LES BIENS CULTURELS, 2005. Ancient buildings and earthquakes: reducing the vulnerability of historical built-up environment by recovering the local seismic culture. Bari, Italie : Edipuglia. 360 p.
JIGYASU, Rohit, 2002. Reducing vulnerability through local knowledge and capacity. The case of Earthquake prone Rural Communities in India and Nepal. Dr.ing Thesis. Trondheim : Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Faculty of Architecture and Fine Art, Department of Town and Regional Planning. 414 p.
DEKENS, Julie, 2007. The Snake and the River Don’t Run Straight : Local Knowledge on Disaster Preparedness in the estern Terai of Nepal [en ligne]. International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD). Kathmandu. 91 p. Disponible sur : http://lib.icimod.org/record/7778
UNITED NATIONS OFFICE FOR DISASTER RISK REDUCTION - REGIONAL OFFICE FOR ASIA AND PACIFIC (UNISDR AP), EUROPEAN UNION (EU), 2008. Indigenous knowledge for disaster risk reduction: good practices and lessons learned from experiences in the Asia-Pacific region [en ligne]. 84 p. Disponible sur : http://www.unisdr.org/we/inform/publications/3646